The Practical Princess



Hello and Welcome,

I am the Practical Princess.

I was given the name the Practical Princess by my best friend who is always saying, “You know how to Live Life without spending a lot of money – You are such The Practical Princess“.  I must say that I do strive to be a good steward, to be practical, and to Live the Best Life Possible.  I guess you can say it is in my blood.  I was raised to be Grateful, to Save, to Give, to Share and to Live Life to the Fullest Each day being Thankful for all the gifts that the present of daily life brings.     

When it comes to my view on Money, Riches, and Wealth – I don’t equate money solely to Quality of Life.   I believe inner peace, joy, and beauty is Wealth. 
I believe that God, Love, Family, Right Relationships, and
Giving allows one to lead a Rich Life.  

The heart and core of The Practical Princess  is sharing.  I love to share  knowledge and wisdom that Enriches, Empowers, and Transforms Life. 
Through The Practical Princess, I hope to do just that – Enrich, Empower, and Transform Life and Financial Well-being.   

Again, “Thank You” for taking the time to stop by and see what The Practical Princess has to share.  I am honored by your presence and trust that something shared here will directly Impact the Enrichment, Empowerment and Transformation of  your Life and the Lives of  those around you.  I invite you to, share “The Practical Princess” with your friends and family. 

Please make an appointment to visit frequently, but most importantly to share the knowledge and wisdom you have, as well.

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess

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