The Practical Princess

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31 Practical Ways to Say I LOVE YOU

In Budget, Coupons, Giving, Save, Uncategorized, Women and Money on January 27, 2011 at 6:00 am

One of our greatest sources of currency is LOVE.  Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.  Oftentimes,   holidays bring on the stress of spending.  Regardless, of financial status we each can PRACTICALLY express love one to another.   

To get you started, here are 31 Practical Ways to Say I Love You! 

  1. Enjoy the view by offering to take your loved one on a walk in the park or for a scenic drive.
  2. Picnics aren’t just for outdoors.  Plan an indoor picnic.
  3. The universal language of Love – Food.  Plan and prepare  a favorite meal or dessert. 
  4. Give the Sound of Love – Music.  Make a CD of favorite songs designated for yours truly.  You could also load songs or a “I Love You” playlist onto their  iPod with an attached note.
  5. Give a handmade card.  Nothing says special more than something made with love.
  6. Very Special Delivery:  Mail card to place of work or place note in lunchbox or brief case, etc.,
  7. Prepare a Slide Show, Screen saver, or DVD using a couple of photos (photos of you or you as a couple).
  8. Record your loved ones Dreams, Bucket List, etc.,  You can frame, place the list somewhere special, and discuss ways to help them accomplish them.    
  9. Sweets for the Sweet. Bake and decorate cake, cupcakes, cookies.
  10. Movie Night.  Plan a movie night.  Local libraries are great places to obtain movies, even new releases.   
  11. Game Night.  Plan a game night complete with the ambiance of music, candlelight, and appetizers.
  12. Prepare bath complete with bubbles, candles, soft music.
  13. Throw a Party for the two of you with your loved one as the guest of honor.
  14. I Love thee let me count the ways“…..Write a Love Note or Poem and leave on pillow or in bath area.
  15. The Apple of their eye.  Give nicely framed photo of yourself for the bedside, office, etc.,
  16. Enjoy FREE events in your area.  Check websites and publications for Free events (concerts, plays, art shows, etc.,) around town.  
  17. Coupon Books aren’t just for groceries.  Make a coupon book for your loved one with redeemable coupons for  gifts such as:  the cooking of favorite foods; honey-do list free days; etc.,
  18. Surprise, Surprise!  Leave surprise around the house.  Could make into treasure hunt:)  
  19. Videotape a Special Message dedicated to your loved one.
  20. Message in a Balloon, somewhat like message in a bottle. Write note(s) and place in balloon(s), prior to blowing up.  The balloon will have to be popped in order to obtain the message.
  21. Meet at a local coffee or book store for a morning or night out.
  22. Call and leave an I Love You message, just because.
  23. Dance the Night away.  Plan and prepare a night at home for dancing.
  24. Chocolate Covered Fruit, YUM!  Tip:  After holidays – Valentines, Easter, Christmas chocolate candy is normally on sale and can be purchased, melted down, and used to make chocolate dip or coatings for fruit.
  25. Learn to say, “I Love You” in another language.
  26. Our Song:  Send an email or ringtone of your favorite song as a couple.  If you don’t have one – Great!  Listen and establish that favorite song.
  27. ReKindle your youth:  Hide and Seek, Pillow Fight, Water guns, etc.,
  28. Surprise for the Car – Make cd and leave in the player with sticky note that says, play.  Leave balloons, favorite cookies, etc., 
  29. Hug, Kiss, Call, Hold hands  just because… I Love You!
  30. Breakfast in bed.
  31. The most special gift of All – Time, Attention, Listening & Hearing. 

I encourage you to not allow Valentines or other holidays to be the only times you verbally say or sentimentally show Love to those in your life.  Providing 31 ways is symbolic of the fact that you could shower your loved one with a month of Love at little or no monetary cost.  Please be sure to let us know of practical ways you have to say, I Love You!

Begin today giving The Greatest Gift of all – LOVE . . . . . . . 

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess

Smarter, Easier, and Faster Shopping with Your Smartphone

In Cell Phones, Coupons, Grocery, Save, Shopping, Technology, Uncategorized on January 20, 2011 at 6:00 am

Every wished you could check the prices at other stores without having to actually go to that store?  

Downloading a Barcode App may be the Answer.

The Barcode App combined with your Smartphone’s camera turns your phone into a Barcode Scanner.  Barcode Apps available for the Smartphones will allow you to:  Comparison shop, Obtain the best prices, Download coupons, Locate items on hand in your local stores, and Obtain nutritional and allergen information in specific foods just to name a few.   

Most of the Apps are available via iTunes or through your Smartphone store.  To get the latest Barcode App version visit your prospective App Store:


**At this time, Scanlife is the only barcode app available for Blackberry users**


The following  Barcode Apps are Free Downloads:
Shopsavvy, ScanLife, Pic2Shop, SnapTell, and Barcode Reader. 

Test the Barcode App(s) and Savings for yourself. 

We look forward to hearing about your savings experience.

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess

“Less Traffic, Less Time, and Money in Your Pocket”

In Auto, Budget, Green Living, Travel on January 13, 2011 at 6:00 am


Last year,   listed some of the best and worst cities for traffic.  In that article Atlanta, Georgia was featured as one of the most challenging places for traffic and congestion.  In reading and researching,  I found a Great Nonprofit in Georgia that has set their marks on  lessening traffic congestion and improving the air quality of Georgia.  The organization is The Clean Air Campaign.

The Clean Air Campaign has a wonderful website with a large list of resources ranging from carpooling services, savings calculators, tax benefits, fuel reduction, and commuter savings and rewards just to name a few. 

 I would like to encourage you to particularly check out the commuter  rewards which features prizes, gas cards, and cash rewards.  

WOW – Imagine “Less Traffic, Less Time, and Money in Your Pocket“! 

I applaud The Clean Air Campaign of Georgia.  

As we are focusing on the tangible benefits of clean air and savings, the intangible benefits of time and well-being are Priceless.  

If you live in Georgia or know someone who does, please visit and share the wealth of the  The Clean Air Campaign.

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess

E-Mealz – Save Time and Money!

In Author, Dave Ramsey, Dave Ramsey, David Bach, Financial Expert, Grocery, Uncategorized on January 6, 2011 at 6:00 am

EASY and DELICIOUS Dinner Plans …….

Food in the fridge and pantry, just shopped for groceries…..and then those three (3) words are uttered – “WHAT’S FOR DINNER”?         

Jane Delaney and Jenny Cochran, sisters who reside in Alabama, have your answer, as well as, a way to Save Time and Money when it comes to grocery shopping and meal planning. 

In 2003, Jane and Jenny launched E-Mealz.  E-Mealz is a subscriber service which provides a Seven Day Dinner menu centered around weekly supermarket specials

For a small fee of $5.00 per month, you will have online access to E-Mealz plans.  The meals plans can be accessed by choosing the specific grocery chain where you shop, the any-store plan, or weight management plan.  In addition to the plan there is a corresponding grocery list.  The grocery list groups items by isle, as well as, notes prices, sales, and specials for each item.  You will find the recipes and meals very frugal and most importantly little prep time. 

Click Here to visit E-Mealz

Let us know what you think……..

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess

“Debt Free for Life” – David Bach

In Author, Book, Books, David Bach, Debt, Debt Free for Life, Women and Money on January 5, 2011 at 12:00 pm

I  recently received an email from David Bach.   In the email, Mr. Bach stated, “As a BIG THANK YOU”  to all who had already  purchased his new book, Debt Free For Life, he was providing the opportunity to share it FOR FREE.


Over the years, David Bach has empowered thousands of people to Get Out and Stay Out of Debt.  Debt Free for Life  is his twelfth book.  He has written a host of books over the years, inclusive of: Smart Women-Finish Rich,  Start Over-Finish Rich, and the Automatic Millionaire Homeowner just to name a few.

Many would say, the words “Debt Free” often sound foreign and unobtainable, not to mention “Debt Free for Life”. 

That may be true for some, but remember you are a Practical Princess –  A Woman of Sovereign Power and Wisdom“.  With that in mind, regardless of where you are in life – You have the Power to Rule and Reign in Every SituationAnd don’t forget, as a Practical Princess, the Power You possess equips you to Empower Those around You!
 I trust this resource and wisdom will Empower You and the Lives of Those Around You!

CLICK HERE  NOW!  This offer is only available for 24 hours and ends at 11:59pm EST tonight!  


Starting at 12:01am EST today, January 5th   you may obtain a FREE DOWNLOAD of David Bach’s  New Book DEBT FREE FOR LIFE! This offer is only available for 24 hours and ends at 11:59pm EST tonight!  

Therefore, I Encourage you to CLICK HERE NOW!

This is a very Generous Gift, please feel free to forward this on to your friends and family!

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess