The Practical Princess

Archive for the ‘Women and Money’ Category

Save on Paper Towel

In Budget, Children, Green Living, Save, Shopping, Uncategorized, Women and Money on March 3, 2011 at 6:00 am

Have you noticed the price of paper towels lately?  It is something we all use and price continues to increase.  Today, the Practical Princess would like to offer some alternatives to using the usually rolls of paper towel.

Use Cloth Towels: 
In my bathroom and kitchen I invested in a package of white hand towels and proceeded to roll them.  I used a basket that I had around the house and stacked the rolled towels into the basket.  My initial outlay the the white hand towels was about $10 for a quantity of 20.  I used decorative basket for the dirty towels and wash them, as needed.  This has not only been a practical solution; but an elegant one, as well.

I have also instituted this in my kitchen and it is working and looking Great!

Re-Use Paper Towels:  I was first reminded of this principle when I read the book by the Delany Sisters, “Having Our Say“.  They mentioned how if they used a paper towel to dry water or dry their hands they would allow it to dry and reuse that paper towel sheet  for cleaning or wiping up a spill at a later time. 

Cleaning Cloths:  For windows and cleaning you can make wipes from old t-shirts, shirts, etc., and use them instead of paper towel.

Compare Prices:  In some instances it may be more frugal to purchase a box of the hand towels (like to see in public restrooms) from your local warehouse store(Sams, Costco’s.,etc).  Most often they are around $20 for 2000 towels.

Use Less Paper Towel (Smaller Pieces):  The Pick-A-Size option is offered by most of the major brands and is a Great option in using smaller pieces and less paper towel.  Most often we don’t need an entire sheet of paper towel, but proceed to use it once it is torn off the roll.  The Pick-A-Size option will allow you the option of using smaller pieces and saving more paper towel.  I have done the cost comparison and this is a Great Option!  

Use Cloth Napkins:  Again, I have instituted using cloth in another part of my day.  Instead of using paper towel/paper napkins, I invested in some cloth napkins.  This not only saves money but brings a totally different atmosphere to your meal.  Most often you can purchase cloth napkins bulk at very reasonable prices.

Let us know how you may be saving on paper towel or if you tried any of the above options and what savings were generated. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess

21 Fabulously Practical Girls Day/Night Out Opportunities!

In Budget, Coupons, Uncategorized, Women and Money on February 17, 2011 at 6:00 am

The Practical Princess would like to provide some inexpensive ways to create priceless moments and celebrate life with friends.

21 Fabulously Practical Girls Day/Night Out Opportunities:

  1. Celebrate –  Gather at one’s home.  This could be a potluck, ice cream party, etc.,   A really great idea is preparing a meal together by having one provide the home and each attendee bringing an ingredient and assisting in the meal preparation.  Not only is this loads of fun, but it is inexpensive and you should have left overs to share.  Great time to share, inspire, and empower.
  2. Meet for coffee or tea at a local cafe.
  3. Share a sub.  For example, Subway has a variety menu of $5.00 footlong subs.  Meet purchase a sub, share the price, the sandwich, and a Great Time.
  4. Makeover Monday – This could actually take place on any day.  Meet at your local mall (leave credit cards at home so you are not tempted to make a purchase).  Go to your favorite make-up counter and have a make-over.
  5. Meet at your local book store.  Great place to sit talk and even catch up on the newest books out by your favorite author.  Of course, you would write down the name of the book and check your local library for a copy:)
  6. Meet for dessert at your favorite dessert shop.
  7. Meet for a pastry at your local grocer or bakery.
  8. Picnic –  Go to the park and set up a beautiful picnic, take in some sun while inspiring and empowering one another to Live Your Best Life!
  9. Movie Night – Schedule a Movie Night.  Check your movie library or your local library.  Have each person bring something or spring for a $2.00 box of popcorn and have a Great Time!  Use your coupons:)
  10. GET Moving!  Walk, Talk, Share, Inspire!  Gather a park, local school track, etc.,  
  11. Tea Party!  Schedule Skype or conference call to Share a Cup of Tea.  Each would be in your perspective homes with a cup of tea and you can chat for an hour or so over the phone or web.
  12. Practically Fabulous in the City – Gather for a Free Event in your city.  Check your city website for plays, concerts, museum showings, historic site, etc.,
  13. Matinee movie or early morning movie.  Check your local theatres most often discounted admission during specific hours and some even often free popcorn on certain days/times.  Should you attend a movie and decide to buy some popcorn – share:)
  14. Plant a garden.  Gather to plant a garden or establish in home herb garden.  This is a great project and you will share in the growth and the harvest.  
  15. Health and Happiness –   Walking, Hiking, Skating, and some work out facilities provide “free visits”.    
  16. Glam Party – Meet at one’s home – hair, nails, makeup, etc.,
  17. Share Date – Establish a Date, Place, Time and each will bring something from their closet to give/trade.  For example, (a)  That fabulous belt that you very seldom wear;  (b)  Those stilettos that you had to have,but have only worn once and your friends are always complimenting; (c) Handbag, etc., and (d) If you all are the same size you could always trade clothing, as well.
  18. Our Songs – Meet and assemble make a cd of your favorite songs individually and as a group.
  19. Scrapbook – Bring pictures and create scrapbooks of some of your most treasured times together.  If you don’t have pictures grab a camera and start capturing moments…..
  20. Vision Board – Gather some old magazines create, share and inspire each other by assembling vision board of your goals and dreams.  This could also be a time to share and provide strategic plans for accomplishing those goals and dreams.
  21. Elegant Affairs – Upscale resturants and hotels.  Gather forbreakfast or lunch.  Remember to budget and order wisely. 

Get started planning some priceless moments today.  Also, we look forward to you sharing some ideas of your own.

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess

Unclaimed Money is Waiting for You!

In Free Money, Irs, Opportunity, Women and Money on February 10, 2011 at 6:00 am

A couple of months ago I learned of an episode Oprah broadcasted a couple of years ago about “unclaimed money”.   It was stated on the show that, “9 out 10 people in North America have unclaimed money”.  Although I didn’t watch the show, the principle of stewardship left me no other choice but to investigate the possibility of the existence of any unclaimed money. 

In beginning my search, I wanted to know more about where “unclaimed money” originated.  I learned that for our protection, financial institutions, insurance companies, and a variety of other businesses are required by law to surrender inactive accounts to the State.  These accounts are known as “abandoned or unclaimed funds”.  My research has shown the origin of unclaimed funds include; but are not limited to:  utility deposit, bank accounts, inheritances, overpayments, back child support, insurance, investment accounts, payroll checks, travelers checks, money orders, social security, and tax refunds.

After my initial research I begin my search.  It was fairly simple and was done by using my First and Last Name, as well as, States in which I had resided.  As of today, I have received a check for a refund of an electric bill deposit from over 20 years ago.  Between my immediate family and myself, I have located over $3000 in unclaimed money. 

The following sites will assist you in your search for any “Unclaimed Money Waiting for You“:

Missing Money ( site has unclaimed money from a variety of sources.

Unclaimed Money ( site has unclaimed money from a variety of sources.

Pension Funds ( site can assist in determining if you are owed any pension funds.  Also, this site will assist in tracking down benefits if you are a survivor of a person who was receiving pension payment.   

IRS ( site can assist in determining if you any undelivered tax refunds.

Treasury Funds (  site contains listings of uncashed savings bonds in your name that are missing or lost.

US Government ( site contains unclaimed property from credit unions, mortgage refunds, etc.,

The company featured on the Oprah show is .  You may search their unclaimed database using your name, but a membership is needed to move forward in claiming the funds. 

We look forward to you sharing your experience and the news of any newfound fortune. 

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess

31 Practical Ways to Say I LOVE YOU

In Budget, Coupons, Giving, Save, Uncategorized, Women and Money on January 27, 2011 at 6:00 am

One of our greatest sources of currency is LOVE.  Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.  Oftentimes,   holidays bring on the stress of spending.  Regardless, of financial status we each can PRACTICALLY express love one to another.   

To get you started, here are 31 Practical Ways to Say I Love You! 

  1. Enjoy the view by offering to take your loved one on a walk in the park or for a scenic drive.
  2. Picnics aren’t just for outdoors.  Plan an indoor picnic.
  3. The universal language of Love – Food.  Plan and prepare  a favorite meal or dessert. 
  4. Give the Sound of Love – Music.  Make a CD of favorite songs designated for yours truly.  You could also load songs or a “I Love You” playlist onto their  iPod with an attached note.
  5. Give a handmade card.  Nothing says special more than something made with love.
  6. Very Special Delivery:  Mail card to place of work or place note in lunchbox or brief case, etc.,
  7. Prepare a Slide Show, Screen saver, or DVD using a couple of photos (photos of you or you as a couple).
  8. Record your loved ones Dreams, Bucket List, etc.,  You can frame, place the list somewhere special, and discuss ways to help them accomplish them.    
  9. Sweets for the Sweet. Bake and decorate cake, cupcakes, cookies.
  10. Movie Night.  Plan a movie night.  Local libraries are great places to obtain movies, even new releases.   
  11. Game Night.  Plan a game night complete with the ambiance of music, candlelight, and appetizers.
  12. Prepare bath complete with bubbles, candles, soft music.
  13. Throw a Party for the two of you with your loved one as the guest of honor.
  14. I Love thee let me count the ways“…..Write a Love Note or Poem and leave on pillow or in bath area.
  15. The Apple of their eye.  Give nicely framed photo of yourself for the bedside, office, etc.,
  16. Enjoy FREE events in your area.  Check websites and publications for Free events (concerts, plays, art shows, etc.,) around town.  
  17. Coupon Books aren’t just for groceries.  Make a coupon book for your loved one with redeemable coupons for  gifts such as:  the cooking of favorite foods; honey-do list free days; etc.,
  18. Surprise, Surprise!  Leave surprise around the house.  Could make into treasure hunt:)  
  19. Videotape a Special Message dedicated to your loved one.
  20. Message in a Balloon, somewhat like message in a bottle. Write note(s) and place in balloon(s), prior to blowing up.  The balloon will have to be popped in order to obtain the message.
  21. Meet at a local coffee or book store for a morning or night out.
  22. Call and leave an I Love You message, just because.
  23. Dance the Night away.  Plan and prepare a night at home for dancing.
  24. Chocolate Covered Fruit, YUM!  Tip:  After holidays – Valentines, Easter, Christmas chocolate candy is normally on sale and can be purchased, melted down, and used to make chocolate dip or coatings for fruit.
  25. Learn to say, “I Love You” in another language.
  26. Our Song:  Send an email or ringtone of your favorite song as a couple.  If you don’t have one – Great!  Listen and establish that favorite song.
  27. ReKindle your youth:  Hide and Seek, Pillow Fight, Water guns, etc.,
  28. Surprise for the Car – Make cd and leave in the player with sticky note that says, play.  Leave balloons, favorite cookies, etc., 
  29. Hug, Kiss, Call, Hold hands  just because… I Love You!
  30. Breakfast in bed.
  31. The most special gift of All – Time, Attention, Listening & Hearing. 

I encourage you to not allow Valentines or other holidays to be the only times you verbally say or sentimentally show Love to those in your life.  Providing 31 ways is symbolic of the fact that you could shower your loved one with a month of Love at little or no monetary cost.  Please be sure to let us know of practical ways you have to say, I Love You!

Begin today giving The Greatest Gift of all – LOVE . . . . . . . 

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess

“Debt Free for Life” – David Bach

In Author, Book, Books, David Bach, Debt, Debt Free for Life, Women and Money on January 5, 2011 at 12:00 pm

I  recently received an email from David Bach.   In the email, Mr. Bach stated, “As a BIG THANK YOU”  to all who had already  purchased his new book, Debt Free For Life, he was providing the opportunity to share it FOR FREE.


Over the years, David Bach has empowered thousands of people to Get Out and Stay Out of Debt.  Debt Free for Life  is his twelfth book.  He has written a host of books over the years, inclusive of: Smart Women-Finish Rich,  Start Over-Finish Rich, and the Automatic Millionaire Homeowner just to name a few.

Many would say, the words “Debt Free” often sound foreign and unobtainable, not to mention “Debt Free for Life”. 

That may be true for some, but remember you are a Practical Princess –  A Woman of Sovereign Power and Wisdom“.  With that in mind, regardless of where you are in life – You have the Power to Rule and Reign in Every SituationAnd don’t forget, as a Practical Princess, the Power You possess equips you to Empower Those around You!
 I trust this resource and wisdom will Empower You and the Lives of Those Around You!

CLICK HERE  NOW!  This offer is only available for 24 hours and ends at 11:59pm EST tonight!  


Starting at 12:01am EST today, January 5th   you may obtain a FREE DOWNLOAD of David Bach’s  New Book DEBT FREE FOR LIFE! This offer is only available for 24 hours and ends at 11:59pm EST tonight!  

Therefore, I Encourage you to CLICK HERE NOW!

This is a very Generous Gift, please feel free to forward this on to your friends and family!

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess