The Practical Princess

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31 Practical Ways to Say I LOVE YOU

In Budget, Coupons, Giving, Save, Uncategorized, Women and Money on January 27, 2011 at 6:00 am

One of our greatest sources of currency is LOVE.  Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.  Oftentimes,   holidays bring on the stress of spending.  Regardless, of financial status we each can PRACTICALLY express love one to another.   

To get you started, here are 31 Practical Ways to Say I Love You! 

  1. Enjoy the view by offering to take your loved one on a walk in the park or for a scenic drive.
  2. Picnics aren’t just for outdoors.  Plan an indoor picnic.
  3. The universal language of Love – Food.  Plan and prepare  a favorite meal or dessert. 
  4. Give the Sound of Love – Music.  Make a CD of favorite songs designated for yours truly.  You could also load songs or a “I Love You” playlist onto their  iPod with an attached note.
  5. Give a handmade card.  Nothing says special more than something made with love.
  6. Very Special Delivery:  Mail card to place of work or place note in lunchbox or brief case, etc.,
  7. Prepare a Slide Show, Screen saver, or DVD using a couple of photos (photos of you or you as a couple).
  8. Record your loved ones Dreams, Bucket List, etc.,  You can frame, place the list somewhere special, and discuss ways to help them accomplish them.    
  9. Sweets for the Sweet. Bake and decorate cake, cupcakes, cookies.
  10. Movie Night.  Plan a movie night.  Local libraries are great places to obtain movies, even new releases.   
  11. Game Night.  Plan a game night complete with the ambiance of music, candlelight, and appetizers.
  12. Prepare bath complete with bubbles, candles, soft music.
  13. Throw a Party for the two of you with your loved one as the guest of honor.
  14. I Love thee let me count the ways“…..Write a Love Note or Poem and leave on pillow or in bath area.
  15. The Apple of their eye.  Give nicely framed photo of yourself for the bedside, office, etc.,
  16. Enjoy FREE events in your area.  Check websites and publications for Free events (concerts, plays, art shows, etc.,) around town.  
  17. Coupon Books aren’t just for groceries.  Make a coupon book for your loved one with redeemable coupons for  gifts such as:  the cooking of favorite foods; honey-do list free days; etc.,
  18. Surprise, Surprise!  Leave surprise around the house.  Could make into treasure hunt:)  
  19. Videotape a Special Message dedicated to your loved one.
  20. Message in a Balloon, somewhat like message in a bottle. Write note(s) and place in balloon(s), prior to blowing up.  The balloon will have to be popped in order to obtain the message.
  21. Meet at a local coffee or book store for a morning or night out.
  22. Call and leave an I Love You message, just because.
  23. Dance the Night away.  Plan and prepare a night at home for dancing.
  24. Chocolate Covered Fruit, YUM!  Tip:  After holidays – Valentines, Easter, Christmas chocolate candy is normally on sale and can be purchased, melted down, and used to make chocolate dip or coatings for fruit.
  25. Learn to say, “I Love You” in another language.
  26. Our Song:  Send an email or ringtone of your favorite song as a couple.  If you don’t have one – Great!  Listen and establish that favorite song.
  27. ReKindle your youth:  Hide and Seek, Pillow Fight, Water guns, etc.,
  28. Surprise for the Car – Make cd and leave in the player with sticky note that says, play.  Leave balloons, favorite cookies, etc., 
  29. Hug, Kiss, Call, Hold hands  just because… I Love You!
  30. Breakfast in bed.
  31. The most special gift of All – Time, Attention, Listening & Hearing. 

I encourage you to not allow Valentines or other holidays to be the only times you verbally say or sentimentally show Love to those in your life.  Providing 31 ways is symbolic of the fact that you could shower your loved one with a month of Love at little or no monetary cost.  Please be sure to let us know of practical ways you have to say, I Love You!

Begin today giving The Greatest Gift of all – LOVE . . . . . . . 

Fabulously frugal,

The Practical Princess